The crossover franchise continues in MARVEL VS. CAPCOM: INFINITE, when two of the most dangerous villains in all the multiverse come together. Ultron, the homicidal robotic foe of Marvel's Avengers discovers a kindred spirit in Sigma, leader of the mechanical Mavericks in Mega Man X. With the power of two Infinity Stones, they set in motion a plan to merge their realities and wipe them clean of organic life. Standing in their way? An eclectic collection of heroes from Marvel and Capcom, brought together by the events of "The Convergence" and chosen to rise against the threat of Ultron Sigma. Now the race is on to recover the four remaining Infinity Stones and save all of reality. Surprising alliances will be made and loyalties will be tested. Choose your fighters, choose your Infinity Stone, and duke it out in the most epic team-up ever, with the fate of not one, but two, universes hanging in the balance.
marvel vs capcom 3 last rise of heroes 12
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super HeroesEnjoy a classic masterpiece of a fighting game between Marvel and Capcom characters. If you enjoy capcom games and tag team fighting action you will love this classic title. The basic premise is heroes vs street fighter characters. Choose from iconic fighters such as Chun Li, Mega Man, Spider Man, and Captain America.This is one of the best action games in history and an amazing video game to play. It is up to you if you play as marvel super heroes of the characters from Street Fighter, such as Ryu, and Strider Hiryu. As far as arcade games go, this super heroes vs street fighter title is right up there. 2ff7e9595c